
David, along with his wife, Cindy, founded Mosaic Formation. He is a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div) and a senior faculty member of Selah, LTI’s Certificate Program in Spiritual Direction. Prior to his work with Mosaic Formation, David’s ministry experiences included overseas missions in East Asia, church planting, and pastoral ministry in the local church. David is passionate about creating prayerful and hospitable space for others to listen to God, serving under-served individuals and communities, and biblical reconciliation and peacemaking. For fun, he enjoys long hikes, playing the guitar, gluten-free cooking, and pulling weeds. David and Cindy and their three kids make their home in Houston, Texas.

Rev. Cindy M. Wu, Co-founder & Director of Diaspora Ministries
Cindy is an author, missions mobilizer, spiritual director, and community organizer. She and her husband, David, are co-founders of Mosaic Formation. Cindy’s ministry passions include welcoming refugees and global missions. She holds an M.A. in Religion from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She is co-author of Our Global Families: Christians Embracing Common Identity in a Changing World with Todd M. Johnson, and author of A Better Country: Embracing the Refugees in Our Midst. She enjoys global cuisine, historical fiction, (short) triathlons, and thunderstorms. You can get further acquainted at

Chrissy Chang, Associate Director, Mosaic Network
Chrissy is a spiritual director and artist. She has a Bachelors of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and enjoys the creativity in technical challenges. She loves spiritual formation and is passionate about co-creating hospitable spaces with God where others can come as they are and experience His loving presence. She offers spiritual direction through her ministry, Dwell Soul Care. She has completed the Emmaus Certificate in Formational Leadership and Selah Certificate in Spiritual Direction programs with Leadership Transformations, Inc (LTI). She also serves as Online Ministry Coordinator with LTI. Chrissy lives in Houston, Texas with her husband, daughter, and dog, and loves to create, read, take long walks in nature, and enjoy good food while connecting with others..

Kim is a native of Charlotte, NC. She earned a Doctor of Philosophy in the integration of religion and society from Omega Graduate School. Dr. Kim is a senior faculty member of the Selah Certificate Program in Spiritual Direction, founder of P.L.U.S. – Purposefully Loving and Understanding Special Needs families, co-founder of WIILD – Women Investing In Leadership Development, and a licensed minister who loves teaching God’s word. She is passionate about investing in the lives of women and has been mentoring and companioning women leaders for over twenty years. Kim shares life and love with her husband, Bishop Claude Alexander, Jr. and their two daughters Camryn and Carsyn. She enjoys reading, jogging, and cooking great southern food. Good chocolate and popcorn are her weakness.

Marcos is a native Ecuadorian and has lived in the US since 2001. He earned a B.A. and completed a 2-year postgraduate course in Hotel Management at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, then worked in the hotel industry in Ecuador until 2001. He has been learning and serving as a spiritual formation coach since 2007 through Faithwalking, where he currently coordinates the Spanish program. Marcos completed a Master of Arts in counseling at the Houston Graduate School of Theology in 2020 and has since been practicing professional counseling and spiritual direction. His passion is for cultures and for the overlap between psychology and spirituality. Marcos lives in north Houston with his wife, Julie, and their children. He is the proud father of 5 children and enjoys nature, learning, bike rides with the family, and contemplative practices.

David is a licensed psychologist, pastor, and associate professor of psychology and pastoral counseling. Dr. Wang teaches and speaks internationally, maintains a clinical practice, serves as Pastor of Spiritual Formation at One Life City Church, is editor of the Journal of Psychology and Theology, is principle investigator of the Seminary Formation Assessment Project – a program conducting longitudinal empirical research on the human and spiritual formation of seminary students, and serves on the board of directors for Joya Scholars —a non-profit organization that seeks to inspire and prepare students from families of at-risk communities in Fullerton to succeed through higher education. He also consults with International Justice Mission and has co-authored their manual on Trauma Informed Care. Dave and his wife Vivian live with their two daughters in Fullerton, California.