Mosaic Formation

Partner with us

Dear Friend and Partner,

Our vision is to see spiritual formation care and resources become vastly more visible and accessible among marginalized and underserved leaders and communities. For this reason, we do not charge professional fees when saying “yes” to teaching workshops, leading retreats, speaking at events, or offering one-on-one spiritual direction and coaching. Instead, every recipient of our services is a beneficiary of someone else’s generosity and presented with the opportunity to bless future others by “paying it forward.” Every gift, regardless of its size, has the full dignity of being a blessing to someone else. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us? Your gifts allow us to generously and joyfully serve the Lord’s servants.

In Christ’s grace,

David Wu signature

David Wu
Founder & Executive Director


2025 Match Opportunity (Monthly Donations)

Monthly donations contribute greatly to the financial sustainability of this ministry. Thanks to the generosity of a matching donor, monthly donations set up this year will be matched every month throughout 2025! The same match applies to existing monthly donors who increase their giving in 2025, with the difference being matched each month.

Freely Receive, Freely Give (Our Financial Model)

The Freely Receive, Freely Give model not only echoes the language of how Jesus sent his disciples into town to do ministry (“Freely you have received, freely give“—Matt. 10:8), it is highly strategic. It is a model fueled by gratitude and generosity, which are transformative forces. 

FREELY RECEIVE means that all are welcomed to partake in life-giving resources and services without cost, made possible through someone else’s generosity. We have seen firsthand that this approach removes barriers of access and closes disparity gaps. In Mosaic Formation’s brief three years of existence, we have been able to serve people across different ethnic and cultural backgrounds and socioeconomic class, from nearly every continent around the world.

The second part of the model, FREELY GIVE, takes it a step further and extends generosity. We do not treat anyone as a charity case, which robs people of their dignity. Instead we invite all who have freely received to join in the generosity movement by freely paying forward gifts of any size that will bless future others with the gift of soul care. Jesus loved the widow’s offering of two mites because it was given generously and in proportion to what she had. Even though she was materially poor, she was spiritually rich, and therefore honored above those who were materially rich, yet spiritually poor.

When you give to Mosaic Formation, you are not simply helping us to cover the costs of ministry; you are investing in a generosity movement. You are partnering with us to close disparity gaps, so that ministry leaders around the world can gain access to spiritual formation care and training.