Mosaic Formation


Mar 24 2025


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Welcoming the Stranger Webinar (Online)

We are experiencing the worst forced migration crisis in modern history. At the same time, the United States is closing its doors to refugees and taking away financial assistance and funding from recently arrived refugees and the organizations that serve them. Mosaic Formation dedication to diaspora ministries includes mobilizing individuals and churches to welcome refugees, work our Director of Diaspora Ministries, Cindy Wu, has been committed to for the past 15 years. Please join us for a one-hour webinar where you’ll:

  • Learn to think biblically about forced displacement and welcoming “the stranger”
  • Hear about current needs in Houston (and beyond)
  • Get ideas on how to activate your church to care for refugees
  • Meet a Houston-based refugee-ministry leader

Though some of the information presented in this webinar is Houston-specific, this webinar is open to attendees from across the country as many of the ideas transcend location.

This webinar will be offered again in on April 22, 2025.

Online via Zoom (details provided upon registration)

Monday, March 24, 2025, 7:00 – 8:00 pm Central Daylight Time (GMT-5)

Rev. Cindy Wu (Co-Founder & Director of Diaspora Ministries with Mosaic Formation) 

You are able to participate in this event free of charge because of the generosity of donors who wanted to bless you!