Mosaic Formation

Our Beliefs

Does Mosaic Formation have a statement of faith?

Mosaic Formation is a Christian, non-denominational ministry organization. Broadly, we affirm historic, orthodox Christianity as represented by the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed. We require Mosaic Network members to affirm them as well. However, we welcome diversity of theological perspectives and convictions on secondary doctrinal matters and expect this diversity to exist among members of Mosaic Network. We believe that spiritual unity does not require uniformity of beliefs; that it can exist within our diversity, but cannot without humility. While Mosaic Formation staff and board members more specifically affirm the statement of faith for the World Evangelical Alliance, we joyfully minister to, learn from, and collaborate with individuals and groups who may differ theologically from us. 

How does Mosaic Formation define spiritual formation?

We define spiritual formation as the lifelong journey of being transformed by the love of God the Father into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, so we can love God and others.